When you believe http://mymedia.yam.com/m/2047278
Many nights we prayed, with no proof anyone c ould hear
多少夜晚我們在祈禱, 卻不能證明有人能聽到
In our hearts a hopeful song, we barely understood
我們心中的希望之歌, 自己也不能理解
Now we are not afraid, although we know there's mu c h to fear
現在我們並不害怕, 雖然我們知道未來有許多艱難險阻
We were moving mountains long before we knew we c ould
There can be miracles, when you believe
奇蹟將會出現, 只要你肯相信
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
希望雖然渺茫, 卻不可磨滅
Who knows what mira c les, you c an a c hieve,
When you believe, somehow you will
只要你肯相信, 你就會
You will when you believe
In this time of fear, when prayer so often proves in vain
在害怕的時候, 當祈禱變得蒼白無力
Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away
希望就像夏日裏的鳥兒, 悄然飛逝
Yet now I'm standing here, my heart so full I c an't explain
現在我佇立於此, 心中充滿無限莫名的希望
Seeking faith and speaking words, I'd never thought I'd say
尋找真理和說出諾言, 我從未想過我會這麼說
There c an be mirac les, when you believe
奇蹟會出現, 只要你相信
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
儘管希望渺茫, 卻難以抹殺
Who knows what mira c les, you c an achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
They don't always happen when you ask
在你祈求的時候, 奇蹟卻不總是出現
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way safe through the rain
你看不清你的路, 你穿不過大雨
A small but still resilient voice
Says help is very near
There can be miracles When you believe
奇蹟會出現, 只要你相信
Though hope is frail It's hard to kill
儘管希望渺茫, 卻難以抹殺
Who knows what miracles You can achieve
When you believe只要你相信你就會得到
Somehow you will只要相信你就會得到
You will when you believe You will when you believe
You will when you believe Just believe, just believe
4 則留言:
安妮你好, 我是這篇的原作者<br />
在此謝謝你的共助<br />
今天是白光祈福的第二天<br />
願你與我共同在每日中午, 引導白光進入災區<br />
願災區無痛<br />
<br />
版主回覆:(05/20/2008 05:21:14 AM)
你好 謝謝你讓我引用了你的文章
新聞看到今天 覺得心裡還是很沉重
版主回覆:(05/16/2008 12:12:35 PM)
是 希望大家一起幫助需要幫助的人
做了家長後,那些受難小孩的圖片,每張都令我心碎不已,那些痛哭的父母親……唉~~我又<br />
哭了……多希望每個人都不要死,也不要有天災發生!最近電視新聞也不敢開了,因為會難<br />
過的吃不下……<br />
報紙,我今天看了,又是生氣,又是難過!韓國的白色恐怖,有20萬人喪命!生氣是無情<br />
的上位者,他們憑什麼…憑什麼…下達那麼可惡又殘忍的命令!好生氣…我好生氣,難道他<br />
版主回覆:(05/19/2008 03:29:58 PM)
看到四川的慘狀 我看了頭都暈了 真的是暈眩 哀
我都不敢看四川的新聞,<br />
我老公也不太准我看,<br />
每次看每次哭,<br />
嗚.......<br />
<br />
希望大家的祈福可以速速為她們帶來幸福!<br />
<br />
版主回覆:(05/19/2008 03:29:22 PM)
因為他說我會看到半夜都在哭 > <